
General Requirements

  • Submissions should be sent to the editor via email ( as an attachment (.docx or .pages formats only) or as a Google Doc link.
  • Submissions should use footnotes, not endnotes. Articles with incomplete citations will not be accepted.
  • Submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, with reference to the Society of Biblical Literature Handbook of Style for specialized concerns. In instances where Chicago defers to a dictionary and for spelling, refer to

Specific Guidelines

Scholarly Essays (Blind Peer Reviewed)

MD welcomes scholarly submissions related to all aspects of the study of mission, such as missiological anthropology, missions theory and practices, history of missions, holistic ministry, theology of mission, missional theology, missional hermeneutics, interfaith dialogue, and world Christianity.

  • Scholarly submissions should be 6000 words or less, double-spaced, and include:
    • The title of the essay.
    • 75-word abstract.
    • Footnotes (not endnotes or parenthetical notation), following Chicago style.
    • A short biographical sketch of the author (see previous articles for examples).
  • The body and notes of the essay should not include the name of the author or any self-reference to the author. (For example, statements such as “See my essay...,” or “As I have argued in...,” should appear nowhere in the essay. These may be added to the final draft.)

Informal Articles

MD welcomes non-academic submissions related to all aspects of the study of mission, such as essays, interviews, and art (paintings, photography, videography, music).

  • Informal writing must still meet the journal's stylistic standards.
  • Submissions should include a short biographical sketch of the author (see previous articles for examples).

Book Reviews

MD welcomes reviews of books related to all aspects of the study of mission, including academic and popular books.

  • Reviews should be 600–1000 words, double-spaced, and include:
    • Full bibliographic data of the reviewed book.
    • The reviewer's name, title or position, and location.
  • Reference to specific pages of a reviewed book should be noted parenthetically.

Blind Peer Review Process

  1. The executive editor confirms that a submission conforms to MD's guidelines and removes the author's name from the essay.
  2. The essay goes to two peer reviewers who anonymously offer feedback to the author and recommend to the executive editor to publish, to request essential revisions, or not to publish.
  3. If the peer reviewers recommend publication without significant revision, the essay is edited by MD editors. If the peer reviewers recommend publication pending revision, editing is postponed until a revision is submitted.
  4. After editing, the essay returns to the author with all feedback and a deadline for submitting a final draft.
  5. The author revises and submits a final draft.
  6. The final draft is formatted and copy edited.
  7. Final edits that might affect meaning are approved by the author before publication.

Copyright Notice

Creative Commons License
Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Unless specified otherwise, authors retain copyright for articles published in this journal, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Unless specified otherwise, by virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution and reference to the licensing.